
Lopez Island, Washington

Arkeras is a new retail brand offering an innovative alternative to traditional hospital gowns. It provides both functional and fashionable options, made ethically from sustainable materials. Arkeras will be available in select boutiques and online, focusing on a high-end experience.

I played a key role in developing the brand, highlighting its unique nature-inspired elements. Inspired by the lush San Juan Islands of Washington state, Arkeras embraces an artisanal approach. The resulting media embodies elegance, empathy, and organic aesthetics with nods to the PNW. Experience the luxe offering that is Arkeras or see our process of developing the brand below.

Brand Inspiration

Organic I Textured I Elegant I Artistry

I created a series of Pins for marketing on Pinterest for Mother's Day, as that’s a target customer segment
for the company.

I designed these hang tags for the patient gowns, using a cream color, as the gowns are all darker in color and I wanted them to stand out against the various fabrics. For printing, I had them printed on 100% cotton paper, with a charcoal cardstock mounted in between. This created an elevated look and feel to them.

And with an interest in highlighting the company’s commitment to sustainability and transparency, I thought it would be nice to add an additional transparent layer to the top of the hang tag with the words “Our first ingredient is transparency” and a link to the company’s page on the transparent practices and policies.

I designed these postcards to be handed out at pop-ups, networking events, and to be mailed in packages with products. These were printed on soft, elegant, 100% cotton paper.